N+2: Hotel E - Priit Pärn (1992)

15 abril 2012

Hotel E - Priit Pärn (1992)

Sin diálogos/No dialogue

"Hotel E", una amarga crítica de la hipocresía de los antiguos bloques Este y Oeste. Mientras que la cultura oriental reprime el arte y la lengua, en Occidente, la libertad para todos, carece de arte y de idiomas y, con ello, de individualidad. Jugando con los estereotipos, las pinturas del Pärn Oriental son oscuras, de color gris.. mientras, llena el mundo occidental con colores brillantes y amistosos y sonrientes rostros. Debajo de esta muestra colorista de arte pop, parece estar diciendo que Occidente es la cultura de la esterilidad y la ilusión. Nadie hace nada, no se dice nada más, pero todo es "simplemente genial."

"Había estado viajando mucho entre Oriente y Occidente", dice Pärn. "Yo he vivido entre dos sistemas. Esta es mi propia historia, hasta cierto punto. Pero esta no es una película sobre dos sistemas, de Oriente y Occidente; Para mí es una historia acerca de las personas. Aunque la independencia de Estonia ofrece más libertad, viene con precio: "En la etapa soviética todo lo que no era permitido estaba prohibido. Así que hubo una interminable serie de restricciones que no son sólo de naturaleza política, sino sólo la razón. Ahora todos los límites los pone la economía, la especulación y el blanqueo. El resultado final es muy a menudo el mismo que antes, a veces peor. "
thano (Cine-clasico)

Priit Pärn nació en 1946, en Estonia. Artista gráfico y director de películas animadas de gran éxito entre críticos y público de diversos festivales de cine. Dirigió su primera película La Tierra es redonda? en 1977. Entre las películas más importantes de Pärn están: Triangle (1982), Breakfast on the Grass (1987), Hotel Y (1991), 1895 (co-dirigido por Janno Põldma, 1995) y Night of the Carrots (1998). Su estilo es caracterizado por el humor negro, tendencia surrealista y un estilo gráfico único. En 2002 recibió el premio Lifetime Achievement Award de la International Animated Film Association. Pärn es profesor de animación en la Arts Academy of the Turku Polytechnic, en Finlandia, desde 1994.
pickpocket (DXC)

This is neat take on the political divide witnessed in Eastern Europe during the 80s and 90s... dissolution of powers and the differences in rule, etc. NOT a plot-less toon for drug addled minds, though the semi-surrealist animation may invoke the dirty-hippie hater in you if Disney is more your thing and you are without a decent education.

The previous reviewer just gave themselves away as an ignorant rube by saying "it has no sort of narrative that the ordinary person could understand (without drugs)" and then they went on to say that the two styles of animation hurt their head. Perhaps fairly recent history and current events blow circuits in their brain as well.

The divide is as follows: one pleasantly drawn was for the happier way of life that would result by a new government, the other a very dark scary place because of tyrannical rule. This is actually a surprisingly insightful, look into the tolls taken on people during that shaky time created by a person who lived very close to it all.

Nice & short, cool aesthetic.
corpwn (IMDB)

In 1992, the year after Estonia became independent, Pärn completed "Hotel E," a bitter critique of the hypocrisy of both the East and the West. While the East represses art and language, he contends, the West, for all its freedom, lacks art and language and, with that, individuality. Playing with stereotypes, Pärn paints the East as a dark, gray world while filling the West with bright colors and friendly, smiling faces. Beneath this pop-art sugarcoating, he seems to be saying, the West is a culture of sterility and illusion. No one does anything, no ones says anything, yet everything is "just great."

"I had been traveling a lot between East and West," says Pärn. "I was between two systems. This is my own story up to a certain point. This is not a film about two systems, about East and West; for me it is a story about this person." While Estonia's independence afforded Pärn more freedom, it came with a price: "In the Soviet time everything which was not permitted was forbidden. So there were an endless number of restrictions that were political, but just insane. Now all the limits are connected with money. The final result is very often the same as before, sometimes worse."




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