N+2: The Control Master - Run Wrake (2008)

20 febrero 2012

The Control Master - Run Wrake (2008)

No Dialogue / Sin Diálogos

Es un delirante mundo ambientado en el sci-fi film de los años 50, donde un pequeño y poderoso aparato es causante de una serie de calamidades cuando cae en manos equivocadas. Elaborado con técnica de recortes, "The Control Master" fue ganador del Mejor Cortomrtraje del año en el Fantasía Film Festival, además del Grand Prize at the Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Film Festival en Seattle, ambos premios otorgados el año 2009.

Halftone City, USA. A peaceful metropolis of family values and space age dreams. Mild mannered blonde Dorothy Gayne secretly protects its citizens from harm. But dangerous new technologies abound. What happens when a powerful device falls into the hands of scientist turned villain Doctor Moire?
The Control Master is a short movie by Run Wrake, made entirely animating stock images from CSA Images.

The Control Master is a collaboration between famed found-illustration animator, Run Wrake (creator of SOTW film, Rabbit), and the image library, Veer. Created using only CSA archive images, the story involves a secret giganticator device that allows a normal woman to increase in size and save the city from dangers. When the device falls into the wrong hands, the city is thrown into peril.




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