N+2: Czarny Kapturek - Piotr Dumala (1983)

24 febrero 2012

Czarny Kapturek - Piotr Dumala (1983)

Little Black Riding Hood / La pequeña Caperucita Negra
No Dialogue / Sin Diálogos

Una retorcida versión del cuento popular infantil a cargo de Dumala.
Del mismo modo, todo comienza con la pequeña y dulce niña que sale de su hogar con destino a casa de la abuela, lugar al que debe llegar solamente atravesando el bosque. Pero, a diferencia de la tradicional Caperucita Roja, esta Caperucita Negra no será devorada por el lobo, al contrario, ella lo devora; el lobo no será un despiadado asesino cuando encuentre a la abuela esperándolo para la cópula y el cazador no salvará a la pequeña niña, sino le pegará un tiro en la cabeza.

Although considered one of the brightest of international animators, Piotr Dumała's Little Black Riding Hood (1983) has not received exactly rave reviews from his own countrymen. Judge this rebuke from Soren A. Gauger in the Krakow Post in July last year: "Piotr Dumala's travesty of a fairy tale ("Little Black Riding Hood") is the sort of thing that English-speaking audiences have by now seen done a hundred times, and better." (The article was written to welcome a 3 DVD collection, The Anthology of Polish Animated Films.) The plot is speedily dealt with. Little Riding Hood is kitted up for her journey into the forest, stops to pick some wild flowers, destroys the flowers, is attacked by the wolf and devours the wolf. Well, it's something like that. Given that Piotr has glorious drawing skills as will be shown in another post shortly, the choice of a child's style for the artwork is but one of the comic elements in a tale of mayhem as a succession of killings leads to one of several eventual meetings with the grandmother, the final act of copulation rendering it unsuitable for children. Meaning eludes me other than a fairly dark view of life within a jungle. But I'm not so uncharitable as the columnist and I found it fun...
Ian Lumsden (Animation Blog)

An alternative version of the popular fairytale. The Black Riding Hood boy is a black character who devours the wolf. The wolf then eats up the hunter who, however, gets out from its stomach. The end is less bloody and fantastic and more human. The wolf discovers a naked woman in bed and throws himself on her, demonstrating his 'male organ' to the audience. "The success of the film is built on the way it was drawn. Dumała contrasts his 'black' version of the fairytale with extremely simple, almost childlike drawing. This clash between the pictures and the content is the key source of humour" (Marcin Giżycki, "Nie tylko Disney: rzecz o filmie animowanym", Warsaw 2000). Awards: 1983 - 2nd Award in the 5 to 10 minute category at the 3rd International Animated Film Festival in Varna; 1984 - honorary mention at the 12th International Huesca Film Festival.

[Piotr Dumala] nace en Varsovia, Polonia en 1956. Estudia escultura en la Academia de Bellas Artes paralelamente a sus estudios de Animación.

Comienza su trabajo de animador a principios de los años ’80, llegando al día de hoy a ser uno de los animadores contemporáneos más consagrados, ya que su particular método de trabajo (fusionando técnicas del grabado y la escultura) ha hecho un aporte fundamental a la narrativa animada, consolidando una larga tradición del cine de animación polaco donde se destacan figuras como Jan Lenica, Walerian Borowczyk, Jerzy Kucia y Zbigniew Rybczynski (ganador de un Oscar por su cortometraje Tango en 1980). Por otra parte, ha realizado trabajos publicitarios para MTV, Amnistía Internacional y Absolut Vodka entre otros, así como también ha publicado libros de ensayos, cuentos cortos e ilustraciones.
En el área pedagógica, se desempeña como docente en las escuelas de Harvard y Lodz...
Entrevista con Piotr Dumala (grupokane.com.ar)




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