N+2: Academy Leader Variations - VV.DD (1987)

15 febrero 2012

Academy Leader Variations - VV.DD (1987)

No Dialogue / Sin Diálogos

Veinte directores interpretan el conteo regresivo previo a las películas o "Academy Leader". Cortometraje ganador del segundo premio, categoría cortometrajes, en la entrega de Cannes el año 1987.

"Twenty animators from four countries express their international friendship and love of animation in a unique collaboration, a series of animated variations on the standard academy leader"

""Academy Leader". Sometimes called the "Society Leader", and dating from the 1950s, it has numbers marked once every foot (16 frames/foot in 35mm film), counting down from eleven to three. "NINE" and "SIX" are spelled out, to avoid confusion between 6 and 9 when viewed upside-down. At 3, a quick beep is heard. The Academy leader is specified by SMPTE 301."


Los animadores que colaboraron en la creación de este cortometraje son:

Jane Aaron, Skip Battaglia, Guang Xi Chang, A. Da, Yan Ding Xian, Piotr Dumala, David Ehrlich, Paul Glabicki, George Griffin, Jinqing Hu, Al Jarnow, Krzysztof Kiwerski, Jerzy Kucia, Stanislaw Lenartowicz, Claude Luyet, Georges Schwizgebel, Daniel Suter, Martial Wannaz, Lin Wen Xiao y He Yu Men.




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